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Silage, grazing or hay

A trailing annual/biennial that is best suited to warm areas with rainfall of over 800mm, but some cultivars will grow with about 650mm rainfall. It can be used as silage, grazing or hay. In order to establish the plant it is important to sow 50kg/ha in 1m rows during November to January.

High Worth

Silage, grazing or hay

A trailing annual/biennial that is best suited to warm areas with rainfall of over 800mm, but some cultivars will grow with about 650mm rainfall. It can be used as silage, grazing or hay. In order to establish the plant it is important to sow 50kg/ha in 1m rows during November to January.

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A trailing annual/biennial that is best suited to warm areas with rainfall of over 800mm, but some cultivars will grow with about 650mm rainfall. It can be used as silage, grazing or hay. In order to establish the plant it is important to sow 50kg/ha in 1m rows during November to January.

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