Forage Sorghum
High energy feed - Multicut can be used for grazing, hay, silage or green chop and is excellent for dry matter production with a high protein and high energy content. This new hybrid was developed in the U.S.A and South Africa.
Multicut has been bred to surpass many of the existing hybrids in dry matter production, protein and energy content, disease and drought tolerance. It also has rapid re-growth under heavy grazing and unfavourable growing conditions.
Benefits - Multicut can be grazed, cut for hay, silage or fed as green chop and has quick initial growth with grazing from 3-6 weeks after planting. The re-growth and tillering is rapid and it can grow 50 mm a day to height of 3 m.
Multicut can be looked on as a stress insurance, recovering well after dry spells and responding rapidly to any available moisture.
Multicut will ratoon after hail or insect damage. Because of its versatility, it can be used as high energy feed for producing dairy or beef cattle, as well as maintenance rations for breeding stock.
Features- Under optimum conditions Multicut will utilise avail be nutrients and moisture to maximise dry matter and protein production and good management produces high tonnages with superb feed values.
Planting- multicut must be planted once the soil temperature reaches 16 degrees celsius at 9 am and are rising at the sowing depth.
- Grazing 3 - 6 weeks
- Disease and drought resistance
- High tonnages with superb feed values
- Uses: grazed, hay, silage or fed as green chop