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CAP 92-99

Early season white hybrid

CAP 92-99 is an early season white hybrid maize variety. Bred to evade the negative effects of drought. This variety contains good yield stability across sites with it performing well from low to high altitude environments. 

CAP 90-21

All round performer

CAP 90-21 is a high yielding hybrid which performs well in high potential regions. This hybrid has done well as a silage variety. It has been noted to have grain yields of over 10mt/ha as the norm 


CAP 96-19


CAP96-19 is a high yielding, dual purpose white hybrid. This hybrid has a long pollination period increasing its ability to evade the effects of moisture stress during flowering. The plant structure and cobs are generally large.


CAP 90-01

Widely adapted hybrid

CAP 90-01 is widely adapted for all Southern African conditions. It is tolerant to most maize diseases in Southern and Eastern Africa.


It has a high potential of yielding over 14mt/ha in certain areas of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. It is also adapted to other areas with reasonable rainfall expectations.


CAP 97-45


Medium maturity. 125 – 130 days.
Prolificacy is 2.05 cobs per plant.
Shelling percentage of 87%
16% Tillers
Good standability
Good resistance against Diplodia cob rot

Good resistance against HT and GLS

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CAP 95-03

Highly Adapted Hybrid

CAP 9503 is a widely adapted variety of white hybrid maize which is new to the Capstone stable of maize hybrids


CAP 341 NG

Highly Reliable

CAP 341 NG is a highly reliable short season hybrid, having good germination and seedling emergence properties, resulting in good plant stands. Good pollen to silk synchronization results in good pollination even under drought stress conditions. 

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CAP 95-69 RRBT

Medium Growing Hybrid

Plant population of 20,000 –55,000 
Suitable for dry land and supplementary irrigation
Days to 50% flowering: 70 - 80 days
Days to physiological maturity: 117 -145 days


CAP 97-15


CAP 97-15 is a high yielding conventional white grain hybrid which performs well in high potential regions.
Research shows that this hybrid yields more than 22% above average.

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