CAP 90-06Q
Highly Adaptable Hybrid
CAP 90-06Q is a quality protein, yellow maize hybrid. It is used primarily as a silage hybrid, with deep yellow kernels. It has excellent disease tolerance to both cob rot and various leaf diseases.

CAP 95-22
Excellent for silage and grain
CAP95-22 is a medium maturity, prolific hybrid. This hybrid has long cylindrical cobs with a semi dent grain. The hybrid has large plants. CAP95-22 has 110 - 120 days to physiological maturity in warmer areas and 134 days in cooler regions.

CAP 92-62 RR
Excellent Yield Potential
CAP92-62 RR is an early maturity, highly prolific hybrid. This hybrid has good standability, very good grain quality and excellent genetics. CAP92-62 RR has 57-65 days to 50% tassel. 90-115 days to physiological maturity. 2 heads per plant. 16 rows with 45 kernels per row (720 kernels per head).

CAP 96-46
Highly Adaptable Hybrid
Medium-late maturity. ± 130 – 135 days.
Prolific. At least 2 cobs per plant.
Shelling percentage van 83%
Medium Sprouts
Good standability
Good resistance against Diplodia cob rot

CAP 92-42 RRBT
Rapid Growing Hybrid
Plant population of 55,000 – 100,000
Suitable for irrigation
Days to 50% flowering: 57 - 65 days
Days to physiological maturity: 104 – 115 days
Yieldgard Maize 2 + RoudupReady Maize 2 Technology