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Westerwold Ryegrass
Passerel Plus (Diploid)
Passerel Plus tolerates poorly drained soils, but thrives on well-drained soils with good water holding capacity. It is cold tolerant and rust-resistant.
Passerel Plus is mainly used as grazing forage for light rotational grazing starting in late autumn. It is highly productive in late spring and early summer. Passerel Plus can be cut for high quilty hay. It is very good for late autumn and spring growth. Under favourable conditions, it will germinate in 7 to 10 days.
Passerel Plus has a crude protein value of 15 % and total digestible nutrients of 60 %.
- -Cool season diploid Westerwold Ryegrass
-Highly productive in late spring and early summer
-Rapid re-growth after cutting or grazing
-Good rust tolerance
-Long growing season
-Produces high quality forage
-Consistently high yields in trials
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